We can realize your experiences with the products you purchase from the electra e-store. That’s because we go out of our way to ensure that the product quality & after sales service is to be as just which you need. We understand, however, if you found a product defective / damaged or incorrect/incomplete on time of delivery, please do not receive the product, once you receive the product cannot be changed/returned without any kind of technical/manufacturing problem.
Reason/s may arise Returning of product:
Returning Process:
You can simply create a request to return your products with the necessary documents of the product that you received after purchase through the right channel and process as described on e-store/outlets.
Conditions to Return:
If a product is returned to us without fulfilling the above mentioned conditions (referred as an invalid return), we reserve the right to send it back to you.
Quality Evaluation:
The quality evaluation process may take up to 2-7 working days once the item reaches our warehouse. If it is deemed to be a valid return, then the refund process will only begin after we have completed evaluating procedure of the product. And if it is an invalid return, the product will be sent back to you.
Refund Policy:
Refund policy only applicable if your product is eligible for refund after completion the quality evaluation by us.
The way of product refund depends on your original payment method: